Разбор английских фраз

26 Can you...? в смысле "Пожалуйста, ... "
27 Clogged--"It must be clogged "
28 Come out--"But it still comes out from time to time "
29 Counter--"I believe it's sold over the counter"
30 Darn!-- Darn, I don't have anything to peel it with!
31 Down payment--"We made a down payment on a house today!"
32 Deep--"I walked quite a way out, but it was still only about waist deep "
33 Dare--"Don't you dare! "
34 Feel free--"Feel free to ask questions at any point"
35 Follow up with (someone) on (something)--Can you follow up with John later this week?
36 Feel--I'm not feeling well
37 Fill out--"Do I need to fill out a deposit slip or anything?"
38 Fog up---"My glasses are fogging up "
39 Finished--"I'm finished filling this out, but I wasn't quite sure what to write in this section"
40 Fund--"All proceeds will go to the Susan G. Komen foundation to fund cancer research"
41 Flip through --" Sometimes you'll be flipping through the channels and come across something really interesting"
42 Get--“Are you getting any reception?” = "У тебя связь на мобильнике есть?"
43 Go --"Go right ahead "
44 Go--How does it go?
45 Get--"Albert got all defensive when I commented on his work"
46 Get into--"I don't want to get into it right now"
47 Get done--"Did you get it colored?"
48 Guess--" I guess so "
49 How come(s)--"How come you're so late?"
50 Hey, come on!--"Hey, come on! That has sentimental value to me!"
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