Разбор английских фраз

51 Huh?--"Those were the days, huh?"
52 Hype--"It didn't quite live up to the hype"
53 Hit on--"Some creepy guy was hitting on me"
54 (Car) insurance--“He did not have car insurance”
55 Kidding--"Just kidding! "
56 Mind---"Would you mind giving me a hand with this?"
57 Make--"Rory made the team!"
58 My, my!--"My my! Don't you look dapper?"
59 Meticulous--"He's extremely meticulous"
60 Nice--"It's nice to be back"
61 Off the coast---"There's been a big oil spill off the coast of Louisiana"
62 Open up to someone--"You can open up to me"
63 Other--"It was great meeting you the other day "
64 Probable--Какая разница между Probable и Possible ?
65 Paid off -- “All that hard work really paid off”
66 Please--Can you just stop it please?
67 Pathetic--"The battery life is pretty pathetic"
68 Refund--"Are you getting a refund?"
69 Required--"Attendance is required"
70 Records--"Retain this receipt for your records "
71 Supposably--Американское изобретение : наречие Supposably
72 Shirts--Про рубашки по-английски / Types of shirts
73 So--"So were you transferred here, or did you move voluntarily?"
74 Stick with--"Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I'd stuck with it"
75 Say--"Aw, you're just saying that!"
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